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RD Sunset

Renewable Diesel

Contact Information: 785.504.4491 (Office)

East Kansas Agri-Energy, LLC (EKAE) has been producing renewable diesel since 2017 and is the only ethanol plant that produces two fuels from the same kernel of corn and can serve as a replacement for petroleum diesel. 

Renewable Diesel Plant

Advantages of Renewable Diesel

  • Reduces carbon intensity score by 50% or more depending on the feedstock being used.

  • Increases performance with higher cetane levels.

Renewable Diesel Plant

Renewable diesel from East Kansas Agri- Energy has been sold in the low carbon markets of California, Washington, Oregon, and British Columbia.


The Saola renewable diesel technology has been successfully proven at EKAE.

East Kansas Agri-Energy 
Fuel for the Future
1304 S Main St  Garnett, KS 66032
Contact Info
Phone: 785.448.2888
Toll free: 877.352.3552
Fax: 785.448.2884
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